What’s Your Skin Type?


A minute read

Facial care is important, and it doesn’t take much to make it a part of your daily routine.  Before you start, first figure out your skin type so you can buy the right products to help your skin stay healthy.  You also save time, money, and your skin.

Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, look for specific ingredients that may make your skin look shiny.  If you see the cream containing a lot of natural oils, this can cause your skin to look this way.  I will pause here because having your skin look shiny or not is a personal preference, and some people are okay with that.  Try to find face creams that are not for dry skin and are more designated for oily or combination skin.  Look for cleansers that contain Glycolic acid, which improves your face’s tone.  Also, look for salicylic acid, sulfur, or tea tree oil.  Light, oil-free moisturizer is a plus.  Also, look to exfoliate weekly; if you are into sheet masks, weekly is just fine.

Sensitive Skin

It is important to find natural ingredients that will moisturize your skin and avoid chemicals that will irritate it.  Before applying it on your whole face, test it on the back of your hand or a specific spot on your face.  If you are allergic to you will see it in a small area.  The key here is to not strip the natural oils that are already present on your skin.  Tone with a mild and gentle lemon soju toner, and try using coconut moisturizers.  They work extremely well.  Make sure you do not use body soap on your face.  It should go without saying, yet a friendly reminder in case you did not know.  Additionally, you should look at reviews of those who have sensitive skin before making your purchase and see if it irritates their skin.  

Dry Skin

If your skin is dry, there are a few things you should pay attention to. First, make sure there is moisture in the air. A fair amount of people only have dry skin in the winter because the air becomes really dry. Look at getting a humidifier and place it where you are most at home or in your room. This will help a lot. Then make sure the cleaner you are using isn’t too harsh on your skin. Then look for a serum. Just make sure there is no alcohol. Follow this up with a thicker face cream that will keep you moisturized. Natural oils are also good. Hydration is the key. 

Bonus tip, reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake. These tend to dehydrate you, and you can also increase the amount of water you drink. Additionally, olive oil and avocados can help.

Combination Skin

If you are one of these lucky lads, the world can be your oyster. Look for face creams that are more balanced. This makes it easier to manage your skincare routine and find products.

Saint Matteo What is Your Skin Type